My day does not get off to the best start. My alarm did not go off at 6:45 at usual. I blame it on the fact that my cell phone is so old that Fred Flinstone has a more up to date phone that I do. But it also could have been because I completely forgot to actually set an alarm, either or. Moving on…. Due to the fact that I woke up late, I didn’t have time to do my hair. On the bright side, it still looked mediocre from last night. I made the executive decision to just let it be free and flow in whichever way it pleased. I arrived at work with a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper for the MMSC staff, and by their excitement you probably would have assumed I brought a gallon of wine and a ‘MMSC is closed for the day' sign. They do say horse people are crazy right? This act of kindness instantly won me another ‘Intern of the Day’ title.
Susanna informs me that I will be videoing the riding lessons for the majority of the morning. Last time I videotaped, the results were so horrendous and shaky, that it looked like there was an earthquake occurring. I’m pretty sure a five year old, with a two second attention span, who had a Redbull for breakfast could have done a better, more stable job filming. The issues with videoing are this, for one, instead of a monopod to keep the camera steady, we use a tripod and then only use one of the three legs. It makes a ton of sense, I know. It has become a monopod by default and is awful to use. The next problem was that since my hair was not flowing quite as elegantly as Pegasus’s mane, I was blinded half the time as my hair turned into a tornado of sorts, with a little sand storm effect thrown in there for good measure. It was quite distracting. Overall the videos turned out surprisingly, much better than my last attempt. The amount of sand that ended up in my cheetah flats however is a whole other story.
For the third time in a little over a week, our newest horse Great Life, who is known around the farm as Brady, has thrown a shoe. It’s pretty impressive really considering on Tuesday he managed to throw his shoe, step on the nail, and then have the farrier come out and glue on a new shoe. The next two days he was on stall rest, and before we put him back out to pasture last night, barn intern Shelby, packed his hoof, and then duct taped around it for extra security. How he managed to have lost his shoe over night, none of us will ever know, but here he is again, in a stall, waiting to have his shoes put back on. Perhaps he likes the idea of having a different pair of shoes every day, and I for one cannot fault him for that. Brady heads off to his new home tomorrow and I hope his new family is prepared to have a full blown shoe addict on their hands.